АНАЛІТИЧНА ІНФОРМАЦІЯ – 2 місяці 2024 р.
За підсумками 2 місяців 2024 р. відзначається зростання обсягів заготівлі брухту чорних металів, яке склало 69,9% (було заготовлено близько 258,7 тис. т брухту).
The Ukrainian Association of Secondary Metals (UAVtormet) was founded in April 1999.
In addition to direct members, the Association also includes several collective members. Taking into account the subjects that are part of them, the Association as of May 2012 represents the interests of over 200 business entities, the volume of activity of which is about 75% of the turnover of scrap and waste of ferrous metals in the country.
UAVtormet is a non-governmental, non-profit and non-profit association of enterprises, which was created to support and protect the interests of its members, taking into account the relevant national interests. Considering that all subjects of production activity that are part of the Association are not state-owned, UAVtormet is actually a single effective body in the country that coordinates the activities of this sector of the economy. More